The most important behaviour Purleigh rabbit owners must recognise

September 7, 2021

If your rabbit stops eating or begins to eat less, it can be fatal! So, if you notice a change in their eating behaviour you should contact us immediately on 01621 828381 – time is of the essence.

Make an emergency appointment

As your rabbit will tend to hide health problems for as long as they can it’s important you bring them to see us at the first sign that something’s changed as by then, they may already have been suffering for a while.

Rabbits must eat regularly to keep their digestive system ticking over yet many things can cause your rabbit to suffer from reduced appetite. Dental disease and gut problems are the most common but there are others. As you should always keep rabbits in pairs, signs of one eating less can be hard to spot. Even if you do spot that there’s more food left over it can be hard to figure out which one is not eating. For that reason, we’d also recommend you look out for the following signs and behaviours that indicate your rabbit may be in distress.

  1. Slobbering / dribbling / wet chin
  2. Abnormal droppings
  3. Weight loss
  4. Grinding teeth or overgrown teeth
  5. Wet / dirty bottom
  6. Withdrawal or hiding away
  7. Head tilt
  8. Noisy breathing
  9. Bald areas or hair loss
  10. Crust or wax in the ears

What you should do if you spot a change in your rabbit’s behaviour

If you spot any change to the way or amount your rabbit is eating, or if you spot any of the ten signs above, you should call us. You’ll need tell us what’s changed and we’ll advise if you should bring your rabbit in to see one of our vets.

Book a rabbit check-up

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