Edgewood Vets in Purleigh

Telephone: 01621 828381

Address:  Chelmsford Road, Purleigh, Chelmsford, Essex CM3 6QR

Email: [email protected]


Purleigh Opening Hours

Monday to Friday – 8am until 7pm
Saturday – 8am until 4pm
Sunday – 10am until 4pm


Register your pet with us


Out of Hours Emergencies

For ‘Out of Hours’ Emergency veterinary assistance: 

Call Vets Now 01376 530759 (The fees are as follows: Out of hours fees – £231.75 + Consult fee £77.25)

Vets Now Witham, Spring Lodge Farm, Powershall End, Witham, CM8 2HG


Visiting Us

Welcome to our Purleigh veterinary surgery, where your dog, cat, rabbit, other small animal, exotic pet, reptile or bird will receive a complete veterinary service.

Your pet will be looked after kindly and expertly by our team of highly qualified veterinary surgeons and registered qualified nurses and staff. All consultations held at this surgery are by appointment only by calling 01621 828381

Some of our practices have CCTV for training and monitoring purposes.