Edgewood Vets rabbit meal planner is perfect for the new year

December 14, 2020

With their adorable furry little bunny faces, it can be hard to say no when it comes to giving your rabbit treats. Remember though, too many treats can lead to weight gain, which can make life uncomfortable and unhealthy for your pet rabbit.

If you’re not fully aware of what a healthy, balanced rabbit diet looks like, our team at Chelmsford Road has put together a Rabbit Meal Planner to help you.

Download our Rabbit Menu

A rabbit’s ideal daily diet should include:

WATER – Ensure constant access to fresh, clean water 24/7 in a heavy ceramic bowl or a drip-feed bottle (most rabbits prefer a water bowl). Ensure the water doesn’t freeze in winter (and is algae-free in summer) and if you’re using a bottle, check daily that your rabbit can access the water and the end isn’t blocked.

HAY & GRASS – At least one bundle of good quality, fresh hay each day, about the same size as your rabbit and available at all times. Ideally, your rabbit should also have access to growing grass for grazing, so a predator-safe exercise run in the garden would be good. Alternatively, you can use kiln-dried grass, but never feed your rabbit lawnmower clippings as these can make them ill.

LEAFY GREENS – An adult-sized handful of safe, washed leafy green vegetables, herbs and weeds daily. A variety of greens (5-6 different types) is ideal, such as cabbage, kale, broccoli, parsley & mint. Introduce new types of greens gradually and in small amounts to avoid an upset stomach. Ask our team or search online for a list of rabbit-safe plants, vegetables, herbs & fruits – if in doubt leave it out!

PELLETS – A small amount of good quality pellets or nuggets every day. To work out how much, measure 25g (1 egg cup-full) of pellets per kg of your rabbit’s body weight, so for a medium-sized rabbit (2kg), two full egg cups will suffice.

HEALTHY TREATS – Part of your rabbit’s daily ration of greens/pellets/nuggets can be given as treats & rewards during training. You can also give occasional treats of carrots and apples, in small amounts.

Top tips for changing your rabbit’s diet:

  1. Before starting your new rabbit menu, note down your pet’s weight so you can adjust their food to help with losing/gaining weight if needed.
  2. If your rabbit is young, pregnant, nursing, or unwell, they will have different needs. Ask Caroline or any of our nurses for advice on suitable diets.
  3. Avoid muesli-style foods as rabbits tend to eat them selectively, choosing only the foods they like.
  4. Transfer your rabbit onto a healthy diet plan slowly by making gradual changes to avoid upsetting their stomach.

Get your rabbit on the right track this New Year and download our Rabbit Menu

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