Calming fearful dogs in Purleigh

October 7, 2019

Do bangs always end in a whimper in your house? Many dogs are scared of loud, unexpected noises, which makes firework season a particularly traumatic time for them.

If your dog is among the countless pets who become anxious or afraid while the celebrations are in full swing, Edgewood Veterinary Group has created an infographic to help you help them.

Along with those tips, one of the most effective ways to keep your dog calm is to use pheromones, which nurses, will be happy to advise on when you contact us. Pheromones work best when started a couple of weeks in advance of the event so please contact us as early as possible.

Contact us for advice on pheromones

Signs your dog has a fear of fireworks:

There are many types of behaviour that could indicate your dog is scared of loud noises. Along with the more obvious signs such as trembling and shaking or cowering and hiding, here are some other common indicators:

  • Clinging to owners
  • Excessive barking
  • Trying to run away
  • Going to the toilet inside
  • Pacing and panting
  • Refusing to eat

How do I keep my dog calm?

The stress induced by fireworks can be reduced if you follow a few simple guidelines, so our head vet Jürgen has put together this infographic to help you. But to get your started, here are a few top tips:

  • Make sure your dog gets plenty of exercise during the day when you know fireworks are likely in the evening.
  • Keep your dog inside during fireworks with human companionship.
  • Provide a safe place for them – when scared of loud noises, dogs often like small, enclosed areas.
  • Give them something fun to keep them occupied.
  • Make sure they are microchipped, as some dogs may try to escape.

Hopefully these suggestions will help you and your pets enjoy a calmer firework season, and remember, for advice on pheromones feel free to contact us.

Get advice about fireworks

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