8 summer dangers cats owners in Essex need to know about

May 14, 2021

When you think of summer, you probably think of sunshine and good times. If you’re a cat owner however, you should also be thinking about the summer dangers your cat could face in Essex.

The vets at our Chelmsford Road practice have put together their top 8 summer dangers for cats in a handy checklist.

Get our Safe Summer Cat Checklist

How is your cat at risk this summer?

  1. Cats in hot weather: Heat stroke is common and can become life-threatening quickly, even on cloudy days and indoors. Skin cancer in cats is also an issue, especially for light coloured pets.
  2. Harmful plants & cat pests: Summer gardens are the purrrfect cat hangout. However, some plants are toxic to cats (lilies, ivy, daisies…) and pests like fleas & ticks are rife in warmer months.
  3. Trapped cats: Most cats sleep more in hot weather and seek out a cool or hot spot. With more access to sheds, garages, greenhouses, and cars this season, cats can easily get trapped for days.
  4. Lost cats: Lighter nights make it more appealing for roaming cats to venture further afield. If they can’t find their way home, cats can end up at the vets or in animal shelters.
  5. Hazardous substances: Fairweather DIYers tend to leave sheds and garages open for longer in the summer. This gives curious cats access to toxic substances, some of which can cause fatalities.
  6. Dangerous rubbish: Uncleared Picnic and BBQ rubbish is an invitation to cats that like to scavenge. Worryingly, this could include glowing embers, broken glass, harmful foods, and alcohol.
  7. Risk of road accidents: People tend to stay out longer when the sun sets later. More vehicles on the roads increases the risk of road traffic accidents for cats.
  8. Cat fights & dog attacks: Cats are more at risk of getting into cat fights and being attacked by dogs during late spring & summer. More pets are out and tempers are frayed from the hot weather.

Download our checklist and see how many of these dangers you’ve considered, and where you could help your cat have an even safer summer.

Jürgen and the rest of Edgewood Vets’ veterinary team would love to know how you scored. Why not share your results and what you’ve learned on our Facebook page?

Just in case your cat gets into a sticky situation, pop our contact number in your phone: 01621 828381

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