Symptoms & treatment for lumps on hamsters and other small pets

March 21, 2022

Owning a small furry pet is great! They are cute, friendly, and active, but they do suffer from their own share of diseases, just like cats and dogs. Lumps and bumps are common in pet rodents however they are not always harmful and do not always need removing. Follow Head Vet Jürgen’s guide below to find out more.

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Common lumps and bumps on pet rodents

Lumps and bumps come in many different shapes and sizes, so here are the common problems each of the furry animals suffer from.


Hamsters are prone to testicular or mammary lumps. If either of their testicles or nipples are hard or even distended, there could be a tumour or mastitis (inflammation of the mammary gland) present. Facial lumps are often caused by dental issues or abscesses. Any lumps on the body (if ulcerated) could be dangerous, so contact Edgewood Vets for an appointment

Guinea Pigs

With Guinea Pigs, abscesses often appear on the head, neck, and in the mouth; cysts appear on the back; and tumours often develop on the tail and chest.

Rats and Mice

These rodents are prone to abscesses, enlarged lymph nodes, and tumours due to their high oestrogen levels leading to rapid cell division.


Gerbils are prone to abscesses formed from bacterial build-ups and tumours developing on their scent glands, skin, testicles, and teats.

So how are these lumps and bumps treated?

Not all lumps need to be removed. If the lump is due to a bacterial infection, it will most likely be treated with a course of antibiotics. However, if the bump is caused by excess fluid (a cyst or enlarged lymph nodes), they can be drained by a Vet. However, tumours can usually be surgically removed if benign or at an early cancerous stage.

To help spot any of these abnormalities, there are some typical signs you can look out for:

  • A change in behaviour
  • A reduced appetite
  • Smelly breath
  • You can feel or see lumps or sores on your pet

If you spot any of these signs, contact Edgewood Vets team at Chelmsford Road for further advice or to book an appointment.

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