Is your cat suffering from hay fever in Essex?

March 14, 2022

So, can cats have hay fever?

It is one of the most common illnesses in cats, yet many Essex owners are not aware of it. Hay fever, at its worst during spring and summer, does in fact plague both humans and animals alike.

At Edgewood Vets in Purleigh, we have seen many cats with a grass or tree pollen allergy. It affects the skin more than it does the sinuses and can make your pet chronically ill. Fortunately, there are things you can do to help…

Book a cat hay fever consult

1. Be aware of cat hay fever symptoms

Excessive licking and scratching are signs that are often associated with fleas, but they can also be brought on by an allergic reaction to pollen. This can make the skin, ears, and bottom very irritable and itchy. Plus, if your cat has bald patches around the lower back, groin, tail, or paws, there is a high chance they are suffering from hay fever.

2. Check for fleas

So that you do not confuse hay fever with fleas, Edgewood Vets’ nurses recommend that you should check your pet’s fur for flea dirt. You should also ensure your cat is up to date with their preventative parasite treatments. Most spot-on pipettes and tablets need to be given monthly.

Not sure if your cat is up to date? Call our team on 01621 828381 and we can help.

3. Treatment of cat hay fever

If you are concerned your cat may have an allergy, book an appointment to see one of our Vets. We can run tests to help pinpoint the problem and, if needed, subscribe treatments such as antihistamines and anti-allergy vaccines.

Important: Never give your cat human medicines unless instructed by your Vet as only some are safe for cats and dosages will differ.

4. Preventative measures?

It is hard to avoid pollens, as many hay fever sufferers in Essex will know. Sometimes even staying indoors to avoid pollens can still be miserable and forcing your cat to stay in can damage their health in other ways. In addition to anti-allergy injections or antihistamines, here are some other ways to help your cat beat hay fever:

  • Evening primrose oil can be effective in reducing a reaction – drop into your cat’s food or directly into their mouth, or on their nose to lick off
  • Wash your hands before and after handling your cat to reduce the transference of pollen
  • Wipe your cat’s fur when they come inside with a damp (but not soaking) cloth to remove some of the pollen
  • If your cat is willing, an occasional bath can help to remove pollen from their fur

If you would like more advice on cat hay fever or wish to book an appointment if your cat is suffering, give us a call and we will be happy to help.

Contact us about cat hay fever