How to safely transport your dog

July 21, 2020

With the lockdown being lifted a little we thought we’d share a few tips on safe ways to transport your dog, be that for a long overdue trip to the country or just to nip into Purleigh for a visit to the vets. We’ve created an infographic for you to download and expanded on the points in it below.

Get our dog travel infographic

Crates are normally best

Where possible we recommend transporting dogs in purpose built crates or carriers. This is safer for the dog and, if you are in a car or on public transport can be good for everyone else who’s travelling with you. A crate must be:

    1. Large enough for your dog to move around comfortably, while not so large that it can be tossed around as the crate moves

    2. Ventilated – enough to allow the free movement of fresh air

    3. Comfortable – so line the floor with ‘vetbed’ or a sturdy blanket

Travelling in a car

The highway code actually stipulates,

“When in a vehicle make sure dogs … are suitably restrained so they cannot distract you while you are driving or injure you, or themselves if you stop quickly.”

That means that crates should be secured in the back seat of a car and if a crate is not an option, then you should use a properly fitted and dog specific seat belt.

Avoid putting your dog on the front seat, but if that’s not possible then make sure you turn the front airbags off.

On a bike

Small dogs can be carried safely on bikes, but you’ll need a pet specific carrier. Larger dogs can sit comfortably behind your bike in a specially adapted bike trailer.

If you’re going to attempt this option then you’ll definitely need to take a little time to familiarise your pet with the whole experience somewhere quiet & safe, before venturing out on the roads.

On public transport

Whilst transporting your dog on public transport isn’t for everyone, if you don’t have a car, then this option can open up a whole range of options. The Dog’s Trust has a great article on taking your pet on public transport.

Read about dogs and public transport

If you need any pet specific advice, then please do call us on 01621 828381 and we can talk you through any questions you might have.