How do I keep my cat entertained while I’m at work?

December 21, 2022

Despite the fact that cats are asleep for up to 18 hours a day, they are seriously intelligent and curious animals so require daily mental and physical stimulation.

There are lots of ways to keep your cat entertained if you are out of the house for work, a vacation or even just your weekly shop. So, no need to fear! Here are Edgewood Vets best tricks to keep your pet amused at home.

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Games and Toys

The veterinary nursing team at Edgewood Vets have listed below some of the best recreational activities for your cat:

1. Empty toilet paper rolls – DIY cat toys are just as effective as expensive ones.

2. Rotating toys – these will constantly keep your kitty occupied.

3. Cardboard boxes – Often, cats like to explore new areas and smells, they may even choose to hide away in them!

4. Food puzzles – Not only will this mentally challenge your cat, it will help them to not become obese.


1. Cat trees – Can encourage jumping and natural behaviour, as they can watch what is going on from up high.

2. Scratching Posts – They will help prevent your cat scratching your furniture as they release their urges onto the post.

3. Leave the blinds open or have a cat shelf next to the window – This way your cat could find entertainment simply watching passers-by.

Training and Trecking

1. Cats can be trained to respond to a clicker- this is especially helpful if you are trying to bring your outdoor cat indoors for the winter.

2. Walk – Depending on your cat’s temperament, they may enjoy time outside on a leash to experience new smells and sights.

3. Company – More often than not, cats love to be alone. However, in some cases a bit of feline company can increase happiness and decrease anxiety. Hopefully you find these tips useful when it comes top trying them out for yourselves, but if you find something even better then let us know.

Remember to share how you entertain your indoor cat on our Facebook page.

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