Ensuring a cool and carefree summer for Essex cats

July 21, 2022

Long, hot summer days spent sunbathing and going on new adventures… sounds divine. We are sure most cats in Essex would agree! Unfortunately, there are a few summer dangers such as heatstroke, burnt paws, and accidents that could scupper your cat’s plans.

The nursing team at Edgewood Vets have pulled together their top tips to help you ensure your cat has a cool and carefree summer.

The first action on your checklist is to get your cat microchipped. Besides the new law due to come into force this year making it compulsory, cat microchipping is one of the most helpful things you can do for your cat this summer. Keep reading to discover why and get more cool cat summer tips from Edgewood Vets’ nursing team.

Get your cat microchipped for summer

1. Why microchip your cat

With longer daylight hours, more sunshine, and more adventuring to do, summer can heighten certain dangers for cats including:

  • Pet theft
  • Wandering off too far and getting lost
  • Looking lost close to home and being taken to a vet practice or animal shelter
  • Road traffic accidents and other injuries from summer adventures
  • By microchipping your cat, you are giving them the best chance of being reunited with you should the unthinkable happen. Book a cat microchipping appointment today.

2. Think ‘hot weather cat safety’

Cats are big sun worshippers but too much can be detrimental to their health. The heat can get to indoor and outdoor cats so it is important to take steps to avoid heatstroke, which can be fatal.

Follow these tips from Edgewood Vets’ nursing team and make sure your cat enjoys a safe summer:

a. Provide plenty of water in multiple locations so your cat avoids getting dehydrated.

b. Set up some shady areas where your cat likes to lay even if your cat lives indoors – get into the habit of pulling down the blinds or drawing the curtains against the midday sun.

c. If your cat likes to sunbathe, apply pet-specific sunscreen to delicate areas such as paws and noses to avoid sunburn – especially if they are lighter in colour.

d. Your cat’s paws are especially sensitive so be aware of the temperature of pavements before letting them outside in hot sun – check for signs of blisters when they come in.

e. Heat leads to cats tiring out more quickly – avoid letting your pet play too much in the heat or it might lead to exhaustion.

f. Be wary around paddling and swimming pools – while cats are not known for jumping into water voluntarily, accidents happen, and cats are not great swimmers.

3. Avoid fleas, worms & ticks

Like cats, many parasites will become more active in the warmer weather and who better to hitch a ride with? Your cat of course! As well as being very annoying for your cat, fleas, worms, and ticks can create a whole host of health issues for your cat, as well as your human family.

Ask any of our Chelmsford Road Vet Nurses and they will tell you that ongoing preventative treatments are the best course of action to avoid parasite problems in cats. Contact our team on 01621 828381 to order your cat’s next treatment, or to discuss the best products for your pet.

We hope you can use our advice to help your cat have a cool and carefree summer. If you have questions after reading this or want to book an appointment for microchipping or preventative care, do get in touch.

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